urban planning

urbanistic gaps in huenfeld

urbanistic gap in huenfeld
urban development must not be experienced in a conservative way but include innovations.
this implies a certain amount of adventurous spirit and searching new problems with new solutions.
nowadays urban planners are having a major impact on our developed real estate whilst lacking creative constructional education. a well developed urban context requires artists and architects. ecological and infrastructural requirements have to be met but they should not prevent good urban development. architects and artists need to be involved in designing the urban space in order to inspire as much the municipal administration and democratically elected committees as the residents. the riddle’s answer - when it comes to constructions in an urban context - is a versatile and multifaceted organisation of well designed entities.
the following authorship applies to the objects shown on this web site:
created during june 1993 to december 2002, architektur-, innenarchitektur- und staedtebauatelier "moeller and wald", architekt franz-karl "charly" moeller, elmar wald and architekt onderka, created during january 2003 to september 2005, omw gmbh, onderka-moeller-wald architekten bda.
for further details please refer to the reference list.