competence centres

competence centre ciba vision, grosswallstadt

competence centre ciba vision, grosswallstadt

competence centre ciba vision, grosswallstadt

competence centre ciba vision, grosswallstadt

competence centre ciba vision, grosswallstadt - basic concept

competence centre ciba vision, grosswallstadt - concept a

competence centre ciba vision, grosswallstadt - concept b

competence centre ciba vision, grosswallstadt

competence centre ciba vision, grosswallstadt
the grosswallstadt flagship centre
the grosswallstadt flagship centre is developed via a complex method of resolution, which bundles the site, the spacial context and especially the space allocation plan and the company’s philosophy to an idea for the customer.
our task consists of picking up new innovations and needs, to achieve a new way of thinking and realisation in a spacial, creative and technical perspective. we want to communicate an identity and inspire with emotions. nothing can replace the emotionality of the third dimenson / the space. good, functional developed architecture is shaped sensuality, culture, moral and at the same time a message.
the concept is not aiming on creating a museum, by showing, or developing only one kind of offerings but wants to create a transitory place in which present and future thoughts about contact lenses can be discussed and developed. this question requires an architectural way of thinking, that recognizes the whole company with all of its' informal aspects as an open space for versatile and unbiased discussion. in this open space the architects' language is discussed, as the company's entire context describes a shell as well as it will serve as a presentation of the product.
regarding the architectural and spacial shape of the structure, restraints were chosen which are not aiming on presenting the structure itself but to manifest some plastical approach, based on minimalistic restrictions.
the new flagship center creates a communicational platform for visitors in the internal and external areas, because this concept identifies the landscape as part of the building and thus all functions have balanced visible connections to the external space.
knowingly all ornaments regarding the structure were renounced, because the company’s customer are supposed to be shown and conveyed the adequate production exhibits. this concept is aiming on stimulation of the human’s spiritual spheres, so that beyond the functional aspects, nature can be experienced.

competence centre ciba vision, grosswallstadt - concept c

competence centre ciba vision, grosswallstadt - concept c
the following authorship applies to the objects shown on this web site:
created during june 1993 to december 2002, architektur-, innenarchitektur- und staedtebauatelier "moeller and wald", architekt franz-karl "charly" moeller, elmar wald and architekt onderka, created during january 2003 to september 2005, omw gmbh, onderka-moeller-wald architekten bda.
for further details please refer to the reference list.