ecclesiastical architecture

bonifatius monastery huenfeld

bonifatius monastery huenfeld

bonifatius monastery huenfeld

church sargenzell

church sargenzell

church sargenzell

bonifatius monastery huenfeld

bonifatius monastery huenfeld

bonifatius monastery huenfeld
a place in the world that is not from this world
charly moeller’s thoughts about ecclesiastical architecture
ecclesiastical architecture should be pure architecture with a true experience of space. sacral rooms are a reference to the infinite space of the universe. it leads one to suspect divine superiority. maybe this is another expression of the concept “holiness” - a sanctuary. my architecture has to be ageless, the main task is the overcoming of the absence of change.
buildings and structural design impact human’s physical aspects. they should effect changes of mind. they should put changing rooms on a level with changing the mind. this can be achieved by a change in the lighting of the room. my rooms’ task is to provide the human with a pure form of structure, light and shape. all furniture and fixture have to subordinate to the room in order to stress its intention. this is the reason for architects having hardly a chance to preserve penultimate beauty in designing structures.

bonifatius monastery huenfeld

bonifatius monastery huenfeld
the following authorship applies to the objects shown on this web site:
created during june 1993 to december 2002, architektur-, innenarchitektur- und staedtebauatelier "moeller and wald", architekt franz-karl "charly" moeller, elmar wald and architekt onderka, created during january 2003 to september 2005, omw gmbh, onderka-moeller-wald architekten bda.
for further details please refer to the reference list.