competition wroclaw

elevation museum wroclaw

interior view museum wroclaw

sectional view museum wroclaw

floor plan museum wroclaw

floor plan museum wroclaw

floor plan museum wroclaw

main view
museum of modern art wroclaw - concept
the art - kaaba on the north side of the saint bernard cloister / museum for architecture is a new museum expressing entirety. the museum, developed as solitaire, connects the adjacent park juliusza slowackiego, the existing museums, the polish hill (wzgoerze polskie), the panorama, the architectural museum and the odra gorna to the urbanistic context. by the aid of the building placement standing back from jana ewangelisty purkyniego and bernardynska street, axes of sight are developed which provide visitors with a clear orientation in the inside and outside of the construction.

side elevation
the new art - kaaba is placed as special sculpture at the edge of the juliusza slowackiego park. the sculpture provides space for exhibitions and museum related pedagogic activities for all citizens of the city of wroclaw. this new building of art is provided with a wide entrance opening via bridges positioned from east to west. they define the main entrance of the museum. a direct connection to the panorama, the national museum, the polish hill is established and at the same time a link / joint to the city centre.

architectural design concept
by use of the subjacent cuts in the plot - light shafts with sculpture garden - the glass sculpture is exposed. they also serve as illumination for the additional functional areas of the museum. the exhibition sculpture, in an urbanistic way integrated into the surrounding, experiences permanent changes due to the new double-shell façade. during daytime the rooms of the art - kaaba are illuminated by translucent or transparent glass from the outside. during the night the sculpture turns into a shining light object. this concept is transferred into the foyer level of the entrance where the visitors are welcomed by a new and bright transparent glass lobby. during the night time it emphasizes itself as inviting showcase. the activities and events appear in the inside of the using this concept different opening hours of the building’s facilities are possible. the exhibition area is not touched by this whilst the art - kaaba experiences an inner serenity. visitors are guided through the broad constructions by traditional walkabouts. the different air spaces and vents are grouped within the art - kaaba in different levels. new axes of sight and perspectives into the landscape, the sculpture garden and urban space are perceivable by the visitors.

side elevation
the façade of the art sculpture (lens or lantern) will be built using construction glass in different dimensions and surface treatments. the second hull will be made of etched glass, the walls of the exhibition rooms arranged behind it will be compact. the light source of the internal rooms of the exhibition area will be artificial.the museum will be a nocturnal highlight in wroclaw. after dusk the new museum will open itself using powerful lighting effects. coming from the entrance court (urban area) the rise to the city will present itself using two large flights of steps.the administrative building is placed knowingly at the north-west corner of the plot to function as urbanistic extension of the existing telecommunication building.the new art - kaaba withdraws itself from the jana ewangelisty purkyniego street. the sculpture distances itself from the surrounding museum area and creates with it a coherent ensemble. around the museum wide dimensioned entry areas are placed and the plot communicates freedom and liberality.

areas open for the public, e.g. restaurant / bar, foyer, museum shop are located in the ground floor. surrounding the minimalistic construction the adjacent urbanistic space is paved with dark basalt lava tiling. this natural stone is reaching into the entrance foyer and acts as lynchpin of the building’s site development.

sculpture of the exhibition area
open spaces
around the open spaces connecting to the art - kaaba spaces will be created which can be used for plastic art and will be a distinctive highlight for the city of wroclaw. this area will border the park, so the outside exhibition area can be extended up to the trees located there.this urbanistic concept will balance exhibition and communication area in order to fit in the upcoming urban development in wroclaw.

the art - kaaba will represent wroclaw as successful metropolis in poland. our design for the museum will create a symbiosis connecting all existing buildings, the park and the points of interest in one focussed exceptional place. this centre is the new art - kaaba with its exceptional architecture and recognizable shape without monotony. appealing and prestigious developed, all axes of view and walkways for pedestrians as much as cyclists are consolidated by the concept.

planning data
- main usable area 17.000 m²
- cubature 78.000 m³
- project costs 60 mill. euro