
konrad zuse - hotel, huenfeld

konrad zuse - hotel, huenfeld

konrad zuse - hotel, huenfeld

konrad zuse - hotel, huenfeld

konrad zuse - hotel, huenfeld
i intend to create a new architectural experience which forces people to watch it in an interested way and sends them shivers down the spine. the soul of a hotel is the sum of all hotel rooms which should be designed friendly and inviting for all visitors.
communicative needs have to be taken in consideration when designing hotels for modern society. our task is to charm the guests, to introduce the guest to a former unknown atmosphere. contemporary hotels are often designed in a way looking staged in order to provoke desires and hopes in the guest’s minds. we expect a hotel - a temporary home - to be a tent and a castle. it is supposed to show on the one hand its temporary nature and on the other hand its protection for people spending longer periods of time in the designed rooms.
in the next second we can change the place we are and find another room to stay. we seek and enjoy an environment that is supposed to comfort us in the best possible way. the guests are not in the same way responsible for the rooms in a hotel as for their homes. hotel rooms need to fascinate people and provide the stimulations needed to enjoy the time spent.

konrad zuse - hotel, huenfeld

konrad zuse - hotel, huenfeld
the following authorship applies to the objects shown on this web site:
created during june 1993 to december 2002, architektur-, innenarchitektur- und staedtebauatelier "moeller and wald", architekt franz-karl "charly" moeller, elmar wald and architekt onderka, created during january 2003 to september 2005, omw gmbh, onderka-moeller-wald architekten bda.
for further details please refer to the reference list.